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Prodigal son

Our project to be formed by men and women who are far from the Church because they feel marginalized by society who, thanks to the Word of God and the messages of the Queen of Peace, feel motivated to find Peace in their hearts knowing that they have a Mother who Pray for them and that you want them to be better sons and daughters, overcoming the obstacles that may arise day by day. They will be evangelized with the Word of God, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and spiritual accompaniment in difficult moments that may arise. It involves having weekly meetings to learn more about Our Lord, teach them the importance of prayer with the heart and the spirit of amendment and conversion.
God's Medicine


For those who have never said a prayer, the Holy Rosary will be given to them as part of their first weapon to defeat the attacks of the devil. We will follow up on your commitment by praying it.

As well as inviting them to join in prayer for World Peace and the intentions of the Catholic Church and the Holy Father. If they have sick relatives, they are instructed to inform the Apostolate so that a chain of prayer can be made among all its members.

Praying as a Family


Meetings once a week where the Holy Spirit is invoked to enlighten all participants, a part of the Gospel will be read and then a topic of spiritual benefit and life testimonies will be given so that those who come for the first time feel that God you are listening and healing the wounds of many hearts that are still reluctant to receive God's grace.

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